github nextcloud/vm 11.0.0

latest releases: 29.0.1, 28.0.0, 27.0.1...
7 years ago

Check the latest commits here:

More information can be found here:

Small changelog:

  • The startup-script now checks for the best mirrors and enables them
  • Changed from apt-get to apt (includes current progress)
  • Even better version check in the update script. Always update with sudo bash /var/scripts/
  • Minor bug fixes

Known errors:

  • .htaccess RewriteBase / is not executed due to some unknown error. This does not affect the usability of the VM at all.

If you run Hyper-V or want 500 GB VM you can download it from Tech and Me's shop:

PR's are more than welcome. Happy Nextclouding!

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