[3.2.0-rc1] - 2021-09-12
- [new] #1948 - configure email registration in public polls (#1419, #1728)
- [new] #1950 - allow users to reset their votes (#1578)
- [fix] #1937 - User search broke, when a user has no mail address configured
- [change] #1953 - remove three character validation for public user names (#1952)
New admin section
- [new] #1919 - Admin section for polls
- [new] #1936 - [Admin] disable login option in public polls (#1518)
- [new] #1938 - [Admin] auto archive closed polls (#526)
- [new] #1106 - [Admin] Restrict poll creation to groups
- [new] #481 - [Admin] Restrict public poll creation to groups
- [new] #658 - [Admin] Restrict creation of polls for all users to groups