New features and improvements
Scala Library Instrumentation #362 #363
- STTP versions 2 & 3 Akka-HTTP, HTTP4s and STTP core backends
- Cats-effect v2
- ZIO v1
- HTTP4s client & server v0.21
- Play 2.3-2.8
- Akka-HTTP v10.1 & v10.2
- For more information, see Scala instrumentation.
Scala API support (see PRs above)
- Scala APIs provided for explicit instrumentation of several of above libraries in case auto-instrumentation is not desired
- Cats-effect v2
- ZIO v1
AWS v2 DynamoDB Instrumentation #343
- Synchronous and asynchronous AWS v2 APIs are auto-instrumented similarly to v1 APIs
- For more information, see Add support for AWS SDK 2 DynamoDB sync/async clients
GraphQL 16 Instrumentation #396
- Create meaningful transaction names
- Create meaningful spans
- Reporting GraphQL errors
- For more information, see GraphQL for Java
JFR feature causing excessive overhead when enabled JFR #203
- Refactored code to use less memory.
The existing mongo instrumentation was partially applying when mongo reactive is being used.
- Disable weaving package when MongoDB 4.x+ reactive driver detected #341
- For more information, see Spring Reactive DB Drivers - MongoDB Support