github newrelic/helm-charts nri-bundle-5.0.23

latest releases: nri-bundle-5.0.101, nr-ebpf-agent-0.1.10, nr-ebpf-agent-0.1.9...
15 months ago
Package Update Change
newrelic-infrastructure (source) patch 3.20.1 -> 3.20.2
newrelic-logging (source) minor 1.14.2 -> 1.16.0

Release Notes

newrelic/nri-kubernetes (newrelic-infrastructure)


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A Helm chart to deploy the New Relic Kubernetes monitoring solution

What's Changed

Full Changelog: newrelic/nri-kubernetes@v3.15.2...newrelic-infrastructure-3.20.2

newrelic/helm-charts (newrelic-logging)


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A Helm chart to deploy New Relic Kubernetes Logging as a DaemonSet, supporting both Linux and Windows nodes and containers


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A Helm chart to deploy New Relic Kubernetes Logging as a DaemonSet, supporting both Linux and Windows nodes and containers

Groups together the individual charts for the New Relic Kubernetes solution for a more comfortable deployment.

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