github newrelic/helm-charts nri-bundle-5.0.0

latest releases: nr-k8s-otel-collector-0.3.2, synthetics-job-manager-2.0.10, super-agent-0.0.8-beta...
18 months ago

New major release

With the new major release there are 3 main changes:

  • From now on the KSM V2 is supported. Please notice that there is no change from the Newrelic metrics perspective. However, the KSM configuration and the Prometheus metrics exposed changed.
  • In order to support in the future k8s clusters >1.25 PodSecurityPolicy has been disabled by default.
  • Newrelic-prometheus-agent reached a stable release and exited from the beta phase.

The following charts were updated:

Package Update Change
newrelic-infra-operator (source) major 1.0.11 -> 2.0.0
newrelic-k8s-metrics-adapter (source) major 0.7.12 -> 1.0.0
nri-metadata-injection (source) major 3.0.10 -> 4.0.0
kube-state-metrics (source) major -> 4.23.0
newrelic-infrastructure (source) minor 3.9.0 -> 3.10.0
newrelic-prometheus-agent (source) patch -> 1.0.1

Upgrading to the new version of KSM

There are two possible issues creating some friction when upgrading to the new version of KSM.

Changed label selectors

Upgrading you might see the following message:

v1.LabelSelector{MatchLabels:map[string]string{"":"newrelic", "":"kube-state-metrics"}, MatchExpressions:[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)}: field is immutable

The label selector in the new version of the chart changed, but the name of the deployment did not.
Therefore, in order to upgrade you need to remove the kube-state-metrics deployment, change the release name or re-create the release.

Deprecated values

On the other hand, you can see the following log when upgrading:

warning: skipped value for nri-bundle.kube-state-metrics.collectors: Not a table.
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: template: nri-bundle/charts/kube-state-metrics/templates/role.yaml:18:6: executing "nri-bundle/charts/kube-state-metrics/templates/role.yaml" at <has "certificatesigningrequests" $.Values.collectors>: error calling has: Cannot find has on type map

This is because the values of the ksm chart changed and the map of collectors has been changed to a list of collectors.
The collector list is not needed anymore, and it has been removed from the new values.

If you still have those in your static Helm values, or if you are using the flag --reuse-values you should first remove the following values:

    certificatesigningrequests: false
    ingresses: false

New Contributors

Full Changelog: synthetics-job-manager-1.0.16...nri-bundle-5.0.0

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