github newrelic/helm-charts newrelic-infrastructure-2.1.0

latest releases: super-agent-0.0.11-beta, synthetics-job-manager-2.0.11, nri-bundle-5.0.84...
3 years ago

A Helm chart to deploy the New Relic Infrastructure Agent as a DaemonSet

Feat support multiple Windows builds in same cluster (#286)

The alfa Windows support has been improved in order to be compatible with cluster having Windows nodes running different version and build of the OS.

A new DaemonSet will be created for each build version specified and ti will be assigned only to the node being labeled for that specific build.

The following behaviour is controlled by the following values

  - version: 2004
    imageTag: 2.2.0-windows-2004-alpha
    buildNumber: 10.0.19041

Moreover the Image. windowsTag property has been deprecated

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