🚀 What's new?
@smalsam-newr - Create spm-installation ->
@smalsam-newr - Rename spm-installation to spm-installation.mdx ->
@smalsam-newr - Update spm-installation.mdx ->
@smalsam-newr - Merge pull request #1 from smalsam-newr/swift-package-manager-instructions ->
@smalsam-newr - Added new SPM installation instructions to site. ->
@ywang-nr - 1> create android agent 6.1.0 release note ->
@ywang-nr - 1> update release notes ->
@smalsam-newr - Added heading for SPM installation steps. ->
@ywang-nr - 1> update android agent release 6.1.0 related documentations ->
@ywang-nr - 1> revert back JP file ->
@jodstrcil - Create nerdgraph-data-partition-rules-tutrial.mdx ->
@zuluecho9 - Adding some links to custom data doc ->
@ywang-nr - 1> change release date to today 6/29/2021 ->
@paperclypse - Tries to address what's preventing the build ->
@ywang-nr - 1> update docs with Rob's recommendations ->
@bradleycamacho - Small metadata updates ->
@bradleycamacho - Removed redirects ->
@bradleycamacho - Removed tags ->
@ywang-nr - 1> wording change in android-agent-crash-reporting.mdx ->
@ywang-nr - 1> rewording in android-610.mdx ->
@paperclypse - Some minor updates, added doc to the nav ->
@ywang-nr - Update android-610.mdx ->
@ywang-nr - Update android-610.mdx ->
@jodstrcil - Update nerdgraph-data-partition-rules-tutorial.mdx ->
@zuluecho9 - Update accounts.yml ->
@zuluecho9 - Merge pull request #2884 from newrelic/Fixing-nav-file-heading ->
@zuluecho9 - Readability fix ->
@zuluecho9 - Merge pull request #2866 from newrelic/Adding-links-to-custom-data-doc ->
@rhetoric101 - Here is my second try at adding changes to the crash doc. ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/ywang-nr/docs-website into pr/2710 ->
@rhetoric101 - Added additional writing changes. ->
@paperclypse - Merge pull request #2865 from jodstrcil/patch-8 ->
@bradleycamacho - Merge pull request #2840 from smalsam-newr/develop ->
@paperclypse - Merge pull request #2710 from ywang-nr/develop ->