🚀 What's new?
@akristen - Fixing grammar typo per #15316 ->
@sunnyzanchi - better logging and response handling ->
@ecchilds - fix: Update drop rules doc to specify that JOIN and subqueries cannot be used ->
@sunnyzanchi - point script at prod API URL ->
@bibliobrisa - Update infrastructure-agent-logging-behavior.mdx ->
@sunnyzanchi - Merge pull request #15325 from newrelic/sunny/workflow-logging ->
@tabathadelane - fix: remove deployment marker workflow until we have proper access ->
@tabathadelane - Merge pull request #15329 from newrelic/tabatha/remove-deploy-marker-action ->
@akristen - Merge pull request #15322 from newrelic/fix-grammar-error-alerts ->
@akristen - Merge pull request #15326 from ecchilds/drop-rules-doc-update ->
@akristen - Merge pull request #15327 from bibliobrisa/patch-2 ->