github newrelic/docs-website release-11.09.2021-16.22

🚀 What's new?

@jgals - [DOC-7491] Add section for OpenTelemetry troubleshooting ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTEL): Minor edits to troubleshooting draft ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTEL): Add log examples ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTEL): Add link to troubleshooting from best practices ->
@barbnewrelic - chore(Logs): Log management IA ->
@nr-kkenney - chore: add CODEOWNERS file ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(taxonomy):Renamed "Learn New Relic" to "Welcome to New Relic" ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(navigation): some edits to integrations & root nav ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Taxonomy): Minor spacing fix to follow style guide. ->
@JcolemanNR - Update net-agent-configuration.mdx ->
@barbnewrelic - chore(Logs IA): Reviewer fixes ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #4789 from newrelic/rhs-combine-observabilty-intro-with-integrations ->
@barbnewrelic - chore(Parsing): td tag ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #4669 from jgals/jgals/DOC-7491-otel-troubleshooting ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #4765 from newrelic/DOC7489-log-mgmt-ia ->
@josemore - fix: update macos supported versions ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #4797 from JcolemanNR/patch-4 ->
@austin-schaefer - chore(using NR): Remove plugins redirects ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #4799 from josemore/patch-27 ->
@nr-kkenney - Merge pull request #4785 from newrelic/3658_code_owners ->
@austin-schaefer - Merge pull request #4802 from newrelic/remove-obscene-redirect-overload ->

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