github newrelic/docs-website release-11.07.2024-07.46

latest release: release-11.07.2024-12.28
6 hours ago

🚀 What's new?

@nr-aayare - feat(vuln-mgmt): Added FOSSA integration doc under vuln mgmt ->
@jeff-colucci - Update fossa.mdx ->
@nr-aayare - Took the benefits section at the top and made a few changes ->
@jeff-colucci - Update fossa.mdx ->
@nr-aayare - chore(fossa): Changed see your data button text ->
@fallwith - Markdown syntax highlighting tweaks for Ruby ->
@cbehera-newrelic - Merge pull request #19217 from fallwith/It-s_like_in_the_great_stories_Mr_Frodo ->
@cbehera-newrelic - Merge pull request #19019 from nr-aayare/NR-316793 ->

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