github newrelic/docs-website release-11.06.2024-18.22

10 hours ago

🚀 What's new?

@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Migrate archived pricing to public site ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Correct misspelling of table tag. ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Add a dummy fix to trigger a new build to get a preview. ->
@clarkmcadoo - fix: Add array of url strings to not be indexed by Swifttype or Google ->
@clarkmcadoo - fix: remove accidental fragment ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Change capitalization ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/rhs-create-archive-for-old-add-on-pricing' into rhs-create-archive-for-old-add-on-pricing ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Correct Savings Plan revamp ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Left justify the PAYG table ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Fix references to PAYG and fix a hyphenation issue. ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #19200 from newrelic/rhs-create-archive-for-old-add-on-pricing ->

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