🚀 What's new?
@AlanB-NewR - Update wn-new-aggregation-methods.md ->
@bradleycamacho - fix: remove extra forward slash ->
@barbnewrelic - fix(What's New): Trying to get Markdown to behave ->
@dbarnesbrownNR - Merge pull request #4593 from newrelic/io-button-update ->
@barbnewrelic - chore(What's New): Markdown bullets in md are - not * ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #4576 from AlanB-NewR/patch-1 ->
@nedl86 - Added linkedAccount to Serverless Framework steps ->
@urbiz-nr - Merge pull request #4596 from nedl86/patch-7 ->
@mangulonr - Added warning about ARM compatibility ->
@urbiz-nr - Merge pull request #4597 from mangulonr/patch-22 ->
@josemore - feat: added AWS metric stream release notes ->
@josemore - fix: add past release notes for cloud integrations ->
@josemore - chore: typo ->
@urbiz-nr - chore(RN Cloud): Hero review and edits ->
@urbiz-nr - Merge branch 'infra-cloud-release-notes-oct21' of https://github.com/josemore/docs-website into pr/4598 ->
@urbiz-nr - Merge pull request #4598 from josemore/infra-cloud-release-notes-oct21 ->