🚀 What's new?
@ashoffmann90 - Update nerdgraph-synthetics-tutorial.mdx ->
@mangulonr - Update kubernetes-summary-page.mdx ->
@mangulonr - Update kubernetes-summary-page.mdx ->
@bizob2828 - docs: Updated Node.js agent compatibility report ->
@rhetoric101 - feat(accounts): Add initial multi-tenancy docs ->
@rhetoric101 - feat(accounts): add user doc ->
@rhetoric101 - feat(accounts): Fix image references ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Fix footer links ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Add forward slash to image tag ->
@nbaenam - style(APIS): Added a minor TW edit ->
@animalet - Update aws-multi-account.mdx ->
@animalet - - Add "CloudWatch cross-account observability" tag. ->
@animalet - Cross account section renamed ->
@animalet - Clarify AWS management console access ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Accept suggestion. ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Correct case of bulleted item ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Clarify group permissions ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Remove unhelpful links ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Spell out MSP ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Remove unnecessary parenthetical ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Correct link from old beta site ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Correct old beta site link ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Correct old beta site link ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Correct old beta site link ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Correct old beta site link ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Correct old beta site link ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Fix case of bulleted item ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Remove unnecessary indefinite article ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Remove unnecessary indefinite article ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Correct old beta link ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Remove unnecessary indefinite article ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Fix old beta site link ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Correct old beta site link ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Correct old beta site link ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Fix old beta site link that was completely incorrect! ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): Correct old beta site link. ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(accounts): remove unnecessary "have" ->
@ally-sassman - feat(accounts): Add multi-tenancy docs ->
@animalet - Indentation fix attempt ->
@cbehera-newrelic - Merge pull request #18414 from newrelic/nodejs-compatibility-report/auto-update ->
@nbaenam - fix(AWS): Fixed the numbered list and TW edits ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #18409 from ashoffmann90/patch-1 ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #18579 from animalet/patch-4 ->
@svc-docs-eng-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@nbaenam - style(K8s): Added TW edits ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #18542 from mangulonr/patch-86 ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #18586 from newrelic/translations-06b976ab ->