github newrelic/docs-website release-07.27.2023-10.31

🚀 What's new?

@sunnyzanchi - fix prop ->
@sunnyzanchi - simplify JSON, add Data types column back ->
@sunnyzanchi - move some operations out of loops ->
@sunnyzanchi - don't write JSON if no updates ->
@sunnyzanchi - Merge branch 'develop' into sunny/data-dictionary-events ->
@sunnyzanchi - fix lint errors ->
@sunnyzanchi - update data to sort all arrays before comparing ->
@nwhite222 - fix(alerts): updated icons ->
@nwhite222 - updated img import ->
@nwhite222 - fixed img name ->
@sunnyzanchi - update to use string events ->
@sunnyzanchi - Merge branch 'develop' into sunny/data-dictionary-events ->
@sunnyzanchi - Merge pull request #13925 from newrelic/sunny/data-dictionary-events ->
@nwhite222 - Merge pull request #13975 from newrelic/health-status-icons ->

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