github newrelic/docs-website release-07.15.2021-16.07

🚀 What's new?

@alanwest - Delete OpenTelemetry Arcitecture recipes doc ->
@alanwest - Delete OpenTelemetry Troubleshooting doc ->
@jack-berg - Add placeholders for OpenTelemetry traces and metrics. Add OpenTelemetry ingest and collector page. ->
@jack-berg - Refactor OpenTelemetry page structure ->
@jack-berg - Add Language Exporters section to OpenTelemetry Ingest ->
@alanwest - Remove sections that are not about instrumeting a service ->
@alanwest - Remove extra nav to logs doc and remove data-types directory ->
@alanwest - Revert changes to view your data page ->
@alanwest - Rename file ->
@alanwest - Collapse OpenTelemetry docs on traces, metrics, logs into one doc ->
@alanwest - Remove separate endpoint configuration document ->
@alanwest - Move information on New Relic proprietary exporters ->
@alanwest - Reorganize ingest doc ->
@alanwest - Add intro doc ->
@alanwest - Remove suggestion of using New Relic exporter ->
@alanwest - Add information about OpenTelemetry concepts ->
@alanwest - Update navigation ->
@alanwest - Collapse instrumentation and ingest docs into quick start. Add new legacy components doc. ->
@alanwest - Improve quick start guide ->
@alanwest - Revert some more changes to the quick start ->
@alanwest - Revert some more changes to the quick start ->
@alanwest - Fix nav ->
@alanwest - Improve legacy exporter doc ->
@alanwest - Add redirects to legacy exporters doc ->
@alanwest - Add table of metric support and info on batching ->
@alanwest - Refresh introduction doc ->
@rhetoric101 - Here are some editing ideas. ->
@mangulonr - Added missing requirements for VMware Tanzu ->
@rhetoric101 - I added more edits based on feedback from Alan. ->
@rhetoric101 - Made additional changes based on a conversation with Alan on 7/14. ->
@rhetoric101 - I added a What's Next? section. ->
@rhetoric101 - Corrected best-practices link! ->
@zuluecho9 - Removing 'sub-account' language ->
@rhetoric101 - Updated version to 7.1.1 per Java team. ->
@rhetoric101 - I made changes based on peer feedback. ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #2973 from alanwest/alanwest/otel-docs-refactor ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #3099 from mangulonr/patch-9 ->
@rhetoric101 - I changed to to in following the original edit. ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #3118 from newrelic/Remove-'sub-accounts'-refs ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #3127 from newrelic/rhs-hero-jfr-whats-new-fix ->

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