github newrelic/docs-website release-07.11.2022-12.35

🚀 What's new?

@tannalynn - add release notes for ruby agent 8.9.0 ->
@akristen - feat(browser monitoring): added content that links to nr gh repo ->
@akristen - feat(synthetics): updated procedures to directly link to the create monitor page ->
@akristen - feat(synthetics): added 1 screenshot to add monitors and a test screenshot in a collapser ->
@akristen - chore(synthetics): messing around with screenshots ->
@akristen - feat(synthetics): added screenshots, made copy edits ->
@ssundarnr - Changing sub title ->
@barbnewrelic - fix(Transactions page): Delete section ->
@barbnewrelic - fix(Hero): Button label ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #8403 from newrelic/barbnewrelic-patch-7 ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #8402 from newrelic/barbnewrelic-patch-6 ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #8392 from newrelic/hero-tasks-july8 ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #8390 from tannalynn/add_ruby_agent_890_release ->
@akristen - Merge pull request #8393 from newrelic/add-edit-monitors-ticket ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #8398 from ssundarnr/patch-1 ->

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