github newrelic/docs-website release-06.22.2023-17.58

🚀 What's new?

@x8a - feat(hosts): new scorecards ->
@x8a - feat(infra): interactive tiles ->
@x8a - feat(infra): added screenshots ->
@x8a - chore(infra): added line break for readibility ->
@x8a - style(infra): resized imgs ->
@x8a - chore(infra): resized imgs ->
@x8a - style(infra): made imgs bigger ->
@x8a - style(infra): adjusted imgs ->
@paperclypse - feat(Infrastructure): Updated screenshots and text based on PM feedback ->
@paperclypse - fix(Infrastructure): Fixed image sizing issues ->
@paperclypse - fix(Infrastructure): Trying to get an image working ->
@paperclypse - fix(Infrastructure): Fixed some minor image issues ->
@paperclypse - fix(Infrastructure): Replaced cropped image with a fuller screen image ->
@paperclypse - fix(Infrastructure): Minor wording edit based on SME feedback ->
@paperclypse - feat(Infrastructure): Removed unnecessary preview callout ->
@homelessbirds - Merge pull request #13611 from newrelic/interactive-scorecards-hosts ->

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