github newrelic/docs-website release-06.02.2022-10.10

🚀 What's new?

@rhetoric101 - feat(OTel): Add metric/span toggle topic ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Change name of toggle ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Remove extra instance of errors inbox left behind ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Otel): Incorporate initial feedback from SME. ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Start dividing up the UI page into separate docs ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Continue dividing up UI topics into separate topics ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Add UI overview page and adjust left nav ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge branch 'develop' into rhs-metric-span-toggle ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Add i18n changes for metric-span toggle ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Add toggle screenshot and change wording of toggle doc ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Add all topics to UI overview ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Clean up mini-toc in overview ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): More cleanup of TOC and fix JVM spacing ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Change left-nav heading ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Remove OTel from directory name and rearrange toc ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Incorporate SME feedback: reorder topics and remove filtering sentence ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Shorten URL and add next steps at bottom of each page ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Update i18n directory name ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Another i18n fix for build ->
@jonathanpdx - feat: Infinite tracing now available in EU ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge branch 'develop' into rhs-metric-span-toggle ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Update KR from develop and remove old UI page ->
@zuluecho9 - Update src/nav/integrations.yml ->
@keegoid-nr - fix: query typos ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Fix bullet indentation and remove spurious nav ->
@keegoid-nr - fix: typo ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Convert absolute paths to relative ->
@josemore - feat(infra-agent): zfs filesystem support ->
@josemore - zfs added ->
@founddrama - docs(Alerts): Fix incorrect link to Alerts NerdGraph API ->
@JimHagan - fix: Simple typo changed desribe to describe ->
@jkinmonth - Update ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(data plus): edits to DP section ->
@JimHagan - fix: Correct regular expression in drop rule ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #7607 from newrelic/rhs-metric-span-toggle ->
@zuluecho9 - Merge pull request #7858 from newrelic/jkinmonth-patch-1 ->
@bradleycamacho - Merge pull request #7844 from jonathanpdx/patch-3 ->
@bradleycamacho - Merge pull request #7853 from keegoid-nr/patch-19 ->
@bradleycamacho - Merge pull request #7857 from keegoid-nr/patch-20 ->
@bradleycamacho - Merge pull request #7860 from josemore/patch-45 ->
@bradleycamacho - Merge pull request #7862 from founddrama/fix/nerdgraph-link ->
@bradleycamacho - Merge pull request #7864 from JimHagan/patch-2 ->
@bradleycamacho - Merge pull request #7867 from JimHagan/patch-3 ->

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