github newrelic/docs-website release-05.31.2023-09.08

🚀 What's new?

@zuluecho9 - fix(fargate/ecs): make instructions more clear ->
@mbruin-NR - Added feature flags and release notes for 7.4.5 release ->
@mbruin-NR - Update ios-agent-745.mdx ->
@mbruin-NR - Update ios-agent-745.mdx ->
@mbruin-NR - Moved the new feature flags into groups ->
@mbruin-NR - Updated the end of life page for 7.4.5 ->
@pragmaticivan - Update kubernetes-components.mdx ->
@Matan2801 - Update notification-integrations.mdx ->
@mbruin-NR - Removed catalyst fix ->
@bradleycamacho - fix(sonic): fix log tutorial tiles ->
@Philip-R-Beckwith - SJM + Browser release notes. ->
@kiranhew - feat (what's new): Amazon Security Lake integration ->
@bradleycamacho - Merge branch 'develop' into log-fix-tutorial ->
@sunnyzanchi - remove stray underscore ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge branch 'develop' into pr/13278 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge branch 'develop' into pr/13264 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge branch 'develop' into pr/13278 ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Alerts): Remove unused image import statement ->
@juanjjaramillo - Add release notes for Kubernetes integration v.3.13.0 ->
@rahul188 - Corrected Typo In aws-chatbot-monitoring-integration.mdx ->
@nbaenam - fix(AWS): Changed the filename also in the jp and kr versions ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #13284 from juanjjaramillo/juanjjaramillo/update_release ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #13285 from rahul188/aws-chatbot ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #13278 from kiranhew/whats-new-05-30-amazon-security-lake ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #13250 from pragmaticivan/patch-2 ->
@rahul188 - [Product Partnerships] Updated AWS Chatbot Title ->
@rahul188 - [Product Partnerships] Updated AWS Chatbot Title ->
@nr-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(ecs): typo ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #13287 from rahul188/chatbot ->
@zuluecho9 - Merge pull request #12520 from newrelic/Improve-Fargate-instructions ->
@bradleycamacho - Merge pull request #13274 from newrelic/log-fix-tutorial ->
@homelessbirds - Merge pull request #13177 from mbruin-NR/iOS-7.4.5 ->
@homelessbirds - Merge pull request #13277 from Philip-R-Beckwith/pbeckwith/Syn-release-notes ->
@nr-opensource-bot - chore(whats-new-ids): updated ids ->
@homelessbirds - Merge pull request #13264 from Matan2801/patch-89 ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #13289 from newrelic/translations-54ec0c0 ->

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