github newrelic/docs-website release-05.26.2023-11.20

🚀 What's new?

@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Make "Collector" upper case when it follows "OpenTelemetry." ->
@nbaenam - feat(Alerts): Updated the entire page and screenshots ->
@amosher-github - Update snmp-performance-monitoring.mdx ->
@nbaenam - style(Alerts): Added Sammie's comments ->
@x8a - chore(snpm): fixed code snippet ->
@x8a - chore(snmp): fixed button syntax ->
@x8a - style(snmp): style edits & moved content to a step ->
@bjfield - Add page for MooTools related errors ->
@bjfield - Update compabitility language ->
@bjfield - Change 'download' to 'build' ->
@bjfield - Make 'Exception' plural ->
@bjfield - lowercase e ->
@sigilioso - feat: squid troubleshooting section regarding metrics names ->
@x8a - style(otel): edited text for clarity ->
@x8a - style(otel): gave more context ->
@x8a - Merge pull request #13206 from amosher-github/patch-2 ->
@x8a - style(otel): added context for otel command ->
@rahul188 - [Product-Partnerships] Updated AWS Chatbot Monitor Integration ->
@x8a - Merge pull request #13230 from sigilioso/NR-120608-squid-docs-and-name-normalization ->
@x8a - style(aws): added context for region change ->
@nr-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@x8a - Merge pull request #13232 from rahul188/aws-chatbot ->
@nbaenam - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-101284-slack ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #13172 from newrelic/NR-101284-slack ->
@sunnyzanchi - fix homepage tooltip cut off, add usePosition hook (#13193) ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #13233 from newrelic/translations-07c061e ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #13163 from newrelic/rhs-change-otel-collector-caps ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add language identifiers ->
@brnhensley - chore: +language identifiers ->
@brnhensley - chore: add language identifier ->
@brnhensley - chore: add yaml identifier ->
@brnhensley - chore: add language identifiers ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting to code ->
@bradleycamacho - Merge pull request #13234 from brnhensley/patch-2 ->
@ally-sassman - Merge pull request #13221 from bjfield/mootools-compatibility-notes ->

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