github newrelic/docs-website release-05.24.2023-09.41

🚀 What's new?

@DavSanchez - NEWRELIC-5968 Add containerd support ->
@x8a - style(agents): fixed typo ->
@lchockalingam - feat(whats-new): APM summary tiles ->
@lchockalingam - feat(whats-new): add summary tiles image ->
@x8a - style(net-agent) ->
@sigilioso - feat: include SYS PDB metris support in oracledb docs ->
@x8a - style(oracle-db) ->
@x8a - Merge pull request #13176 from newrelic/x8a-patch-1 ->
@alvarocabanas - docs: infra agent 1.42.1 release notes ->
@Matan2801 - Update notification-integrations.mdx ->
@x8a - style(ai) ->
@x8a - style(RN): style edits ->
@x8a - Merge pull request #13184 from sigilioso/feat/update-oracledb-docs ->
@x8a - style(RN) ->
@x8a - Merge pull request #13187 from Matan2801/patch-88 ->
@DavSanchez - docs: fix wording and change file names ->
@DavSanchez - docs: fix links ->
@DavSanchez - docs: fix unmatched i18n files ->
@nr-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@x8a - Merge pull request #13186 from alvarocabanas/develop ->
@x8a - style(infra-agent): style edits ->
@x8a - Revert "docs: fix links" ->
@x8a - chore(container): undid edits to i18n files ->
@x8a - chore(infra): added missing redirect ->
@x8a - Merge pull request #12962 from DavSanchez/patch-2 ->
@akristen - Merge pull request #13178 from lchockalingam/whats-new-05-24-apm-summary-tiles ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #13188 from newrelic/translations-29af35d ->
@nr-opensource-bot - chore(whats-new-ids): updated ids ->

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