github newrelic/docs-website release-05.11.2022-17.16

🚀 What's new?

@rhetoric101 - fix(K8s-OTEL): Add new doc about linking OTEL apps with K8s ->
@jgals - fix: OTLP/HTTP JSON encoding is now supported ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(K8S-OTEL): Fix case issue ->
@jgals - add key risks and mitigations for browser clients using OTLP ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTEL): Make minor edits and add left-navigation link ->
@rhetoric101 - Update src/content/docs/kubernetes-pixie/kubernetes-integration/advanced-configuration/link-otel-applications-kubernetes.mdx ->
@rhetoric101 - Update src/content/docs/kubernetes-pixie/kubernetes-integration/advanced-configuration/link-otel-applications-kubernetes.mdx ->
@rhetoric101 - Update src/content/docs/kubernetes-pixie/kubernetes-integration/advanced-configuration/link-apm-applications-kubernetes.mdx ->
@austin-schaefer - style(nrql syntax): Minor formatting fixes ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(otel): Added peer and sme feedback ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTEL/K8s): Correct spelling of metadata ->
@austin-schaefer - fix(intro to NR): Add references to network monitoring ->
@austin-schaefer - style(NRQL syntax): Remove spaces in function names ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Alerts-AI): Restoring earlier nrai-correlation doc ->
@jjang-nr - Update new-relic-pre-release-policy.mdx ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTEL/K8s): Clarify benefit of collector ->
@kaacarroll - Fix typo in "Synthetics" ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(user mgmt): new release note for APIs ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(release note): fixing link ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #7551 from jjang-nr/patch-15 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #7475 from newrelic/rhs-k8s-and-otel ->
@barbnewrelic - style(hero): capitalization ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(release note): retrigger build ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Add changes based on SME feedback ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #7554 from kaacarroll/patch-2 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #7550 from newrelic/rhs-pull-back-nrai-correlation-doc ->
@zuluecho9 - Merge pull request #7555 from newrelic/User-APIs-release-note ->
@barbnewrelic - chore(hero): Delete duplicate step ->
@austin-schaefer - Merge pull request #7527 from newrelic/austin-schaefer-patch-3 ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #7556 from newrelic/barbnewrelic-patch-6 ->
@austin-schaefer - style(intro to NR): Alpha order on a list ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(log obfusc): remove whats-new post ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(log obfusc): remove image ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(log obfus): retrigger build ->
@barbnewrelic - style(Hero): Alpha ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(whats-new): clarifying query burst limits ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #7481 from jgals/otlp-http-json-support ->
@zuluecho9 - Merge pull request #7558 from newrelic/Remove-log-obfuscation-whats-new ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #7545 from newrelic/austin-schaefer-patch-4 ->
@zuluecho9 - Merge pull request #7560 from newrelic/Edit-to-data-plus-whats-new ->
@barbnewrelic - Update ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #7562 from newrelic/hero-wn-fix ->
@nr-opensource-bot - chore(whats-new-ids): updated ids ->

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