🚀 What's new?
@deleonenriqueta - added clarification on how metrics are displayed when trim_stats is set to false ->
@bpeckNR - fix(ConfigDocs): Modified doc structure ->
@ally-sassman - fix(mobile): add hybrid agents to landing page ->
@ally-sassman - chore(browser): remove old troubleshooting doc ->
@homelessbirds - Update containerized-private-minion-cpm-configuration.mdx ->
@homelessbirds - Merge branch 'develop' into JobManagerConfigUplift ->
@homelessbirds - Merge pull request #17113 from deleonenriqueta/trim-stats-update ->
@ally-sassman - Merge pull request #17176 from newrelic/remove-old-browser-doc ->
@ally-sassman - Merge pull request #17174 from newrelic/ally-sassman-patch-19 ->
@homelessbirds - Merge pull request #17155 from bpeckNR/JobManagerConfigUplift ->