github newrelic/docs-website release-04.04.2022-14.17

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@josephgregoryii - chore: replaceAll findings of instead of first instance of ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: create a maping from imageURL to imageName to help with missnaming import names ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: checkout gatsby-config from develop ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: move into scripts and add imageworkflow script ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: added yarn custom run, updated imagesSubdir to remove echos and added bash command lines to run entire workflow ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: moved back to previous directories for testing purposes ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: changed main function to run as previous version did ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: remove unneeded changes ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: change linter to warn or be off for typescript ->
@josephgregoryii - refactor: changed the bash script to js to handle workflow progress ->
@josephgregoryii - refactor: make convertImages a module to use in workflow script ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: cleanup script for testing purposes ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: added script to run from yarn ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: chmod bash script and update to run js file ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: bash script fixed to work with yarn ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: fixed i18n path ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: Create designated directory for img codemod ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: update package.json with new codemod reference ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: JSDocs and seperating commands from workflow script ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: added readme ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: working workflow with new dir destination ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: moved cleanup out of root ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: Update readme to include information on cleanup script ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: gatsby-config checkout from develop ->
@roadlittledawn - fix: check for style prop and if set assume it's inline and do not wrap in a tag ->
@roadlittledawn - fix: update doc json plugin to account for image alias changes ->
@josephgregoryii - refactor: moved code into designated functions ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: fix readability ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: remove references to writeFileSync to avoid copying images to i18n ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: move helper functions to designated file ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: update comment ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: JSDocs for new helper functions ->
@josephgregoryii - refactor: remove copying images over to i18n ->
@roadlittledawn - fix: apply similar style and responsiveness as gatsby-plugin-images ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: altered test for writeSync since we no longer move files over to i18n ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: grammer on jsdoc ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: grammer in readme ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: dereference file parameter ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: update image handler for new image configurations ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: moved utils to plugins/utils for reusability ->
@josephgregoryii - refactor: add new image handler for plugins ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: condition check if parent has children ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: base case to check for parent ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: add margin on sides of images to help with content being bunched up ->
@josephgregoryii - docs: grammer and review changes ->
@josephgregoryii - docs: update context section to be more general ->
@josephgregoryii - Merge pull request #6412 from newrelic/joe/image-alias-testing ->
@roadlittledawn - docs: update image style guide doc for aliased images ->
@roadlittledawn - docs: incorporate tw feedback ->
@roadlittledawn - Merge pull request #6655 from newrelic/clang/update-images-doc ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(style guide): Clarify new image routines ->
@nr-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@roadlittledawn - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into feature/image-alias-codemod ->
@roadlittledawn - chore: run image alias codemod and fix couple files ->
@roadlittledawn - fix: fix debian image not found by adding upper case D ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: add missing images ->
@roadlittledawn - fix: fix mac os logo references ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: add removed images for jp ->
@roadlittledawn - Merge branch 'feature/image-alias-codemod' of into feature/image-alias-codemod ->
@roadlittledawn - fix: remove empty single quotes ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #6901 from newrelic/translations-e45e216 ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: fix naming for distributed tracing ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: add missing images ->
@barbnewrelic - Update java-agent-760.mdx ->
@josephgregoryii - Merge branch 'develop' into feature/image-alias-codemod ->
@LunaticSystem - Removed unsupported agent versions from log_file ->
@barbnewrelic - style(SME request): change name back ->
@roadlittledawn - fix: apply upper D to Debian img paths ->
@josephgregoryii - Merge pull request #6908 from newrelic/feature/image-alias-codemod ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into barbnewrelic-patch-4 ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #6911 from newrelic/barbnewrelic-patch-4 ->
@paperclypse - Merge pull request #6912 from LunaticSystem/patch-4 ->

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