github newrelic/docs-website release-02.28.2023-08.02

🚀 What's new?

@nbaenam - feat(Logs): Added Vercel integration ->
@nbaenam - feat(Logs): Added a missing step in the OTel section ->
@nbaenam - chore(Logs): Added a minor modification ->
@nbaenam - style(Logs): Added a minor modification ->
@nbaenam - feat(Logs): Added the dasboard screenshot ->
@nbaenam - feat(Logs): Changed the figcaption ->
@homelessbirds - fix(vercel): fixing typo ->
@daynaslord - feat(whats-new): traces in context-logs and errors ->
@daynaslord - feat(whats-new): add images for traces in context ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(What's new): Remove spaces in filename, add extension, and add figcaptions ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(What's new): Remove spaces from image names and fix link formatting ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(What's new): Insert SMEs revised subtitle ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(What's new): Replace dark-mode with light-mode images ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(What's new): Move images into "Get started" section ->
@homelessbirds - fix(vercel): making small changes ->
@leslie-alldridge - docs: Use NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME in example code ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #11600 from newrelic/NR-88475-vercel ->
@paologallinaharbur - feat(mongodb): containerized environment hints ->
@paologallinaharbur - feat(mongodb): containerized environment hints ->
@paologallinaharbur - feat(mongodb): containerized environment hints ->
@nbaenam - style(MongoDB): Added minor modifications ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #11784 from leslie-alldridge/patch-1 ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #11787 from paologallinaharbur/feat/mongodbK8s ->
@zuluecho9 - Merge pull request #11774 from daynaslord/whats-new-2-28-distributed-traces-errors-logs ->
@nr-opensource-bot - chore(whats-new-ids): updated ids ->

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