🚀 What's new?
@jsubirat - chore: adds new documentation for AWS logs in context ->
@jsubirat - fix: fix conflictive link ->
@jsubirat - chore: refactors AWS Logs in Context documentation and introduces several fixes ->
@jsubirat - chore: adds logs release announcement for AWS Logs in Context ->
@jsubirat - chore: specifies that we support RDS instances ->
@jsubirat - chore: Update release date and rename file accordingly ->
@obenkenobi - Update compatability requirement for Java lambda layers ->
@cbehera-newrelic - Merge pull request #19942 from jsubirat/NR-330979_aws_lic_documentation ->
@WriteMayur - added yml entry ->
@cbehera-newrelic - Merge pull request #20079 from newrelic/yml-entry ->
@cbehera-newrelic - Fixing minor issues ->
@cbehera-newrelic - minor corrections are made ->
@cbehera-newrelic - Merge pull request #20080 from newrelic/fixing-image-content-issue ->
@cbehera-newrelic - wip ->
@cbehera-newrelic - Merge pull request #20078 from obenkenobi/java-lambda-layer-compatability-events ->
@WriteMayur - Merge pull request #20082 from newrelic/fixing-image-content-issue ->