github newrelic/docs-website release-02.25.2025-04.33

latest releases: release-02.25.2025-09.17, release-02.25.2025-07.33, release-02.25.2025-06.37...
21 hours ago

🚀 What's new?

@adutta-newrelic - Update sequence-filtering.mdx ->
@WriteMayur - feb 1st ->
@WriteMayur - fix the syntax error ->
@WriteMayur - fix ->
@sujitnewrelic - WIP ->
@sujitnewrelic - WIP ->
@sujitnewrelic - WIP ->
@sujitnewrelic - WIP ->
@WriteMayur - fixed broken links and syntax issues ->
@sjyothi54 - Updating the important notice ->
@WriteMayur - test ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-359962-sequence-filtering ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-322277-media-streaming ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into RAG-for-confluence ->
@WriteMayur - fixed lingustic errors ->
@adutta-newrelic - updates ->
@adutta-newrelic - updates ->
@adutta-newrelic - updates ->
@WriteMayur - updated ->
@WriteMayur - fix the syntax ->
@WriteMayur - fix the numbered error ->
@WriteMayur - new custom role for scorecards ->
@ubanerjeeNR - feat(fluent-bit): docs first draft ->
@ubanerjeeNR - feat(fluent bit): Docs draft in progress ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into RAG-for-confluence ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-359962-sequence-filtering ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-322277-media-streaming ->
@sujitnewrelic - Updated the editorial review comments ->
@sujitnewrelic - Updated the term Forecast to Predict ->
@sujitnewrelic - Added the changes fro the PM ->
@akashreddy-nr - add media streaming icon ->
@akashreddy-nr - fix netlify build issue ->
@akashreddy-nr - fix netlify build issue ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into RAG-for-confluence ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-359962-sequence-filtering ->
@adutta-newrelic - Update src/content/docs/browser/browser-monitoring/browser-pro-features/sequence-filtering.mdx ->
@adutta-newrelic - Update src/content/docs/browser/browser-monitoring/browser-pro-features/sequence-filtering.mdx ->
@adutta-newrelic - Update src/content/docs/browser/browser-monitoring/browser-pro-features/sequence-filtering.mdx ->
@adutta-newrelic - Update src/content/docs/browser/browser-monitoring/browser-pro-features/sequence-filtering.mdx ->
@sujitnewrelic - Update nrql-predictions.mdx ->
@sujitnewrelic - Updated the screenshots ->
@ubanerjeeNR - feat(fluent-bit): draft pr ->
@ubanerjeeNR - Merge branch 'develop' into fluent-bit-logging-docs ->
@WriteMayur - test ->
@WriteMayur - updated yaml ->
@WriteMayur - updated yaml ->
@WriteMayur - query-level-monitoring-info ->
@WriteMayur - resolve-mdxo ->
@WriteMayur - added a link ->
@WriteMayur - fix the syntax error ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into RAG-for-confluence ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-359962-sequence-filtering ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-322277-media-streaming ->
@sujitnewrelic - WIP ->
@voorepreethi - docs: updated helm chart version mapped to fluent bit release ->
@sujitnewrelic - WIP ->
@sujitnewrelic - WIP ->
@sujitnewrelic - WIP ->
@sujitnewrelic - Merge branch 'Auto-discovery' of into Auto-discovery ->
@sujitnewrelic - WIP ->
@voorepreethi - docs: updated output plugin metric documentation ->
@ASchneider-GitHub - Updated network dependencies table ->
@brnhensley - fix: broken links in Ignore Errors section ->
@brnhensley - fix: broken link ->
@brnhensley - fix: fix header, add anchor link ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-359962-sequence-filtering ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-322277-media-streaming ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into RAG-for-confluence ->
@sujitnewrelic - WIP ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into RAG-for-confluence ->
@adutta-newrelic - updated ->
@adutta-newrelic - updates made to the NRAI doc ->
@adutta-newrelic - updates ->
@ccobb-nr - Remove erroneous second decimal in query-time-range.mdx ->
@tippmar-nr - docs(dotnet): Fix incorrect configuration examples for AI Monitoring with the .NET agent. ->
@sujitnewrelic - Update set-up-auto-discovery-of-aws-entities.mdx ->
@brnhensley - chore: capitalize SINCE, +linebreaks ->
@WriteMayur - test ->
@sujitnewrelic - Updated the Pricing, and predict model hyperparameter details ->
@WriteMayur - legal and new updates ->
@lrafeei - fix(APM): Update Python DT page ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into RAG-for-confluence ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-322277-media-streaming ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-359962-sequence-filtering ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into RAG-for-confluence ->
@sujitnewrelic - Editorial review feedback update ->
@sujitnewrelic - Added the historical data analysis related information ->
@sujitnewrelic - Addressed tech review comments ->
@sujitnewrelic - Update set-up-auto-discovery-of-aws-entities.mdx ->
@sujitnewrelic - Update set-up-auto-discovery-of-aws-entities.mdx ->
@sujitnewrelic - Update set-up-auto-discovery-of-aws-entities.mdx ->
@sujitnewrelic - Update set-up-auto-discovery-of-aws-entities.mdx ->
@sanathramesh - docs: release notes for fluent bit upgrade to 3.2.2 ->
@WriteMayur - added the review comments ->
@wildcardlinux - Update view-system-limits.mdx ->
@sujitnewrelic - Updated the comments from Ashton and team ->
@sujitnewrelic - Splitting the tip ->
@sujitnewrelic - Update nrql-predictions.mdx ->
@sujitnewrelic - Update nrql-predictions.mdx ->
@sujitnewrelic - Update nrql-predictions.mdx ->
@ubanerjeeNR - feat(fluentBit docs): Tammy's feedback ->
@ubanerjeeNR - feat(fluentBit): added an image ->
@ellisong - chore: Add browser agent features table ->
@alanwest - Update documentation for OTel -> AWS infra relationships ->
@alanwest - Fix table row ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into RAG-for-confluence ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-359962-sequence-filtering ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-322277-media-streaming ->
@sujitnewrelic - Update nrql-predictions.mdx ->
@sujitnewrelic - Updated the pricing section as per the legal team suggestion ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-322277-media-streaming ->
@adutta-newrelic - updates ->
@adutta-newrelic - updates ->
@sjyothi54 - Updated ->
@avadla - feat: Query performance MSSQL ->
@avadla - Feat: Query Performance MSSQL ->
@sujitnewrelic - Updated tech review comment ->
@sujitnewrelic - Update set-up-auto-discovery-of-aws-entities.mdx ->
@sujitnewrelic - Update set-up-auto-discovery-of-aws-entities.mdx ->
@ellisong - chore: add iframe section page for session replay ->
@toobagrrl - Update dora-subcontractors.mdx ->
@alanwest - Improve wording and format ->
@alanwest - Improve wording ->
@WriteMayur - making some support change ->
@adutta-newrelic - updated the images ->
@adutta-newrelic - Updated the path ->
@adutta-newrelic - Updated the final changes ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-322277-media-streaming ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-359962-sequence-filtering ->
@WriteMayur - new change push ->
@WriteMayur - implement vinay comment ->
@WriteMayur - added preview callout ->
@WriteMayur - vinay-comments-preview-callouts ->
@WriteMayur - img-update ->
@adutta-newrelic - updated the image and step ->
@adutta-newrelic - updated the callout section ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into RAG-for-confluence ->
@adutta-newrelic - Update nerdgraph-rag.mdx ->
@adutta-newrelic - updates ->
@adutta-newrelic - Update nerdgraph-rag.mdx ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'RAG-for-confluence' of into RAG-for-confluence ->
@adutta-newrelic - updated the rag confluence page ->
@adutta-newrelic - updates ->
@WriteMayur - adding new images ->
@WriteMayur - adding-image ->
@WriteMayur - added new files and deleted translations for deleted files ->
@WriteMayur - added redirects ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into RAG-for-confluence ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-359962-sequence-filtering ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-322277-media-streaming ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-359962-sequence-filtering ->
@WriteMayur - added compliance requirements ->
@WriteMayur - updated the requiurements as suggested ->
@WriteMayur - added a tip as per PM request' ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-359962-sequence-filtering ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-322277-media-streaming ->
@voorepreethi - fix: updated fb troubleshooting docs ->
@WriteMayur - incorporated vinay's comments ->
@adutta-newrelic - updated the overview section and translation ->
@adutta-newrelic - Merge branch 'develop' into NR-322277-media-streaming ->
@WriteMayur - added new image ->
@adutta-newrelic - updated the roku agent version for NR ->
@sujitnewrelic - Final public hashboard PR ->
@WriteMayur - added the new functionality of service-architectture-intelligence ->
@WriteMayur - update in sync hours' ->
@sujitnewrelic - Added link to Predictive Alerts page ->
@sujitnewrelic - Updated the feature name and added link to NRQL Predictions ->
@sujitnewrelic - Updated the feature name through out. ->
@WriteMayur - fixed-broken-links ->
@WriteMayur - new update from bilal ->
@WriteMayur - fix the lingustic issue [->](d365377760cdd8

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