github newrelic/docs-website release-02.22.2024-12.59

🚀 What's new?

@johnathannewrelic - Update data-ingest-billing.mdx ->
@johnathannewrelic - Update data-ingest-billing.mdx ->
@Observabilityforgood - Update eligibility-guidelines-new-relic-nonprofit-program.mdx ->
@akristen - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into pr/16243 ->
@akristen - fixed casing for data plus to match style guide ->
@akristen - chore: fix mdx in table ->
@nr-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@mfulb - php/correct_DT_disable_docs ->
@tabathadelane - fix: add notranslate class to InlinePopover component ->
@tabathadelane - Merge pull request #16258 from newrelic/tabatha/donottranslate-class-inlinepopover ->
@paperclypse - feat(APM): Clarified slow response time is in milliseconds ->
@akristen - Merge pull request #16250 from Observabilityforgood/patch-4 ->
@akristen - Merge pull request #16243 from johnathannewrelic/patch-4 ->
@akristen - Merge pull request #16261 from newrelic/paperclypse-patch-56575675 ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #16254 from newrelic/translations-2a1401b ->
@akristen - Merge pull request #16255 from mfulb/patch-6 ->

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