github newrelic/docs-website release-02.16.2022-06.27

🚀 What's new?

@mangulonr - Small changes on names ->
@mangulonr - Update src/content/docs/infrastructure/elastic-container-service-integration/installation/install-ecs-integration.mdx ->
@mangulonr - Updates on launch type names ->
@mangulonr - Changes on launch type names ->
@mangulonr - Updates on launch type (names) ->
@helenapm - Remove the availability SLI for browser apps ->
@urbiz-nr - fix(SLM): Hero fix ->
@urbiz-nr - Merge pull request #6196 from mangulonr/patch-40 ->
@urbiz-nr - fix(SLM): Hero fix ->
@urbiz-nr - fix(What's new): Fixing image, adding link to docs ->
@urbiz-nr - fix(WN): Fixing image ->
@urbiz-nr - Merge pull request #6199 from helenapm/patch-14 ->
@urbiz-nr - Merge pull request #6201 from newrelic/Fixing-Infra-WN-post ->

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