🚀 What's new?
@mlocati - State that agent supports PHP 8.4 ->
@VidyadharNR03 - CLoud integration GCP onboarding info addition ->
@VidyadharNR03 - Merge branch 'develop' into GCP_DOC_FIX ->
@rohit-bandlamudi-nr - doc: added fluentbit doc for 3.1.2 ->
@johnathannewrelic - Update tutorial-manage-users-groups-scim.mdx ->
@johnathannewrelic - Update okta-scimsso-application-configuration.mdx ->
@newrelic-ruby-agent-bot - chore(ruby agent): add release notes ->
@jbedell-newrelic - Create java-agent-8180.mdx ->
@bizob2828 - docs: Updated Node.js agent compatibility report ->
@newrelic-node-agent-team - chore: Adds Node.js agent v12.11.3 release notes. ->
@umaannamalai - Add release notes for Python Agent v10.5.0. ->
@umaannamalai - Fixups. ->
@newrelic-ruby-agent-bot - chore(ruby agent): Update config docs ->
@WriteMayur - fix the broken link for inline popups ->
@sujitnewrelic - Syntax correction ->
@gmanandhar-nr - Merge pull request #19843 from newrelic/userKeyBrokenLinkFix ->
@sujitnewrelic - Merge pull request #19832 from rohit-bandlamudi-nr/fluent-bit-release-docs ->
@sujitnewrelic - (chore): Added a missing section ->
@sujitnewrelic - Syntax correction ->
@sujitnewrelic - Merge pull request #19837 from jbedell-newrelic/patch-4 ->
@mlakshmiharita - Merge pull request #19845 from newrelic/ibmmq-monitoring-integration-update ->
@sujitnewrelic - Merge pull request #19825 from VidyadharNR03/GCP_DOC_FIX ->
@sujitnewrelic - Merge pull request #19766 from mlocati-forks/php-8.4 ->
@sujitnewrelic - grammar update ->
@sujitnewrelic - Merge pull request #19833 from johnathannewrelic/patch-13 ->
@sujitnewrelic - grammar corerction ->
@sujitnewrelic - Merge pull request #19834 from johnathannewrelic/patch-14 ->
@sujitnewrelic - Merge pull request #19838 from newrelic/nodejs-compatibility-report/auto-update ->
@sujitnewrelic - syntax correction ->
@sujitnewrelic - Merge pull request #19839 from newrelic/add-node-v12.11.3 ->
@sujitnewrelic - syntax correction ->
@sujitnewrelic - Updated the comments in PR ->
@sujitnewrelic - Merge pull request #19840 from umaannamalai/python-agent-10.5.0-release ->
@sujitnewrelic - Merge pull request #19836 from newrelic/ruby_release_notes_9-17-0 ->
@sujitnewrelic - Merge pull request #19841 from newrelic/ruby-config-updates ->