🚀 What's new?
@nr-ahemsath - Clarify custom error priority over configured ignored status codes ->
@daynaslord - Update whats-new-01-19-syslog.md ->
@bizob2828 - fix: updated logs in context docs to include a new log enricher for Node.js: Pino ->
@alanwest - Describe transactions in the context of OpenTelemetry ->
@bradleycamacho - Merge pull request #5802 from bizob2828/pino-logs-in-context ->
@bradleycamacho - Update whats-new-01-19-syslog.md ->
@bradleycamacho - Merge pull request #5798 from nr-ahemsath/clarify-custom-error-priority ->
@bradleycamacho - Merge pull request #5804 from alanwest/patch-1 ->
@bradleycamacho - Merge pull request #5801 from newrelic/daynaslord-patch-1 ->