github newrelic/docs-website release-01.24.2022-17.02

🚀 What's new?

@josephgregoryii - chore: add gatsby typegen to gatsbyconfig ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: add typescript linter for codebase ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: configure eslint to have same linting as previous configuration ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: backtick to single quote mistype ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: add node types ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: comment in tsconfig ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: add devdepencencies ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: updated typescript configurations, target, and emotion config ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: move dependencies to dev and updated ts config ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: updated config and moved dependencies to dev ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: dev warnings and linting ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: merge conflicts ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: move everything to dev dependencies + linting for graphql ->
@josephgregoryii - chore: no warning for parserOptions.project ->
@josephgregoryii - Merge pull request #5707 from newrelic/joe/tsconfig ->

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