github newrelic/docs-website release-01.15.2025-20.00

19 hours ago

🚀 What's new?

@jodinkansagor - Update and rename monthly-uniques-report.mdx to active-users.mdx ->
@jodinkansagor - Add screenshot ->
@jodinkansagor - Update pointer to image ->
@jodinkansagor - Update src for image ->
@jodinkansagor - Fix name of image ->
@jodinkansagor - Edits from Steve ->
@jodinkansagor - Image file ->
@jodinkansagor - Another attempt at fixing the image ->
@gmanandhar-nr - docs: adding release notes for NRDOT ->
@cbehera-newrelic - fixed mdx errors ->
@cbehera-newrelic - fixed image issue ->
@kb-newrelic - docs: add NRDOT release notes 0.8.5 ->
@kb-newrelic - fix: fix formatting ->
@svc-docs-eng-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@svc-docs-eng-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@svc-docs-eng-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@svc-docs-eng-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@abhishuraina - Update windows-services-integration.mdx ->
@alvarocabanas - chore: infra-agent 1.59.2 release doc ->
@svc-docs-eng-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #19688 from newrelic/translations-0e1fc309 ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #19696 from newrelic/translations-ee29bd86 ->
@gmanandhar-nr - fix: verify-mdx fix ->
@akashreddy-nr - verify-mdx fails ->
@gmanandhar-nr - fix: verify-mdx fix ->
@svc-docs-eng-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@newrelic-node-agent-team - chore: Adds Node.js agent v12.11.0 release notes. ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #19695 from newrelic/translations-648372cc ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #19698 from newrelic/translations-d4875967 ->
@bizob2828 - chore: restores the markdown based compatiblity with the begin/end markers ->
@newrelic-browser-agent-team - chore: Add Browser agent v1.278.3 release notes ->
@cbehera-newrelic - deleted orphan files ->
@cbehera-newrelic - Merge pull request #19700 from abhishuraina/patch-1 ->
@cbehera-newrelic - Merge pull request #19670 from jodinkansagor/patch-3 ->
@cbehera-newrelic - Merge pull request #19712 from newrelic/add-browser-agent-v1.278.3 ->
@cbehera-newrelic - Merge pull request #19710 from newrelic/add-node-v12.11.0 ->
@cbehera-newrelic - minor enhancement ->
@cbehera-newrelic - Merge pull request #19702 from alvarocabanas/develop ->
@gmanandhar-nr - chore: added nrdot agent in release notes endpoint ->
@akashreddy-nr - add prometheus agent in release notes ->
@cbehera-newrelic - Merge pull request #19677 from newrelic/gaurab/nrdot-release-notes ->
@gmanandhar-nr - Merge pull request #19711 from bizob2828/restore-marker ->
@akashreddy-nr - Merge branch 'develop' into translations-263ff086 ->
@akashreddy-nr - Merge pull request #19703 from newrelic/translations-263ff086 ->
@akashreddy-nr - resolve merge conflict ->
@akashreddy-nr - Merge pull request #19709 from newrelic/translations-661411d8 ->

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