🚀 What's new?
@arenjae - chore - small grammar improvements ->
@mangulonr - Remove POMI callout ->
@mrickard - The Node Agent dropped instrumentation for ElasticSearch prior to v7.16.0. This updates the supported version information. ->
@newrelic-node-agent-team - chore: Adds Node.js agent v11.9.0 release notes. ->
@rahul188 - Updated the doc ->
@ally-sassman - fix(logs): remove extra spaces ->
@ally-sassman - fix(releaseNotes): style edits ->
@ally-sassman - fix(releaseNotes): Make H4 an H3 ->
@ally-sassman - Merge pull request #15774 from arenjae/patch-1 ->
@ally-sassman - Merge pull request #15784 from mangulonr/patch-71 ->
@ally-sassman - Merge pull request #15790 from mrickard/mrickard/update-elasticsearch-versions ->
@ally-sassman - fix(releaseNotes): replace < with < ->
@ally-sassman - Merge pull request #15793 from rahul188/aws-iot-pr ->
@ally-sassman - Merge pull request #15792 from newrelic/add-node-v11.9.0 ->