github newaetech/chipwhisperer 5.1.1
ChipWhisperer 5.1.1

latest releases: 5.7.0, 5.6.1, BHUSA2021...
4 years ago

The full ChipWhisperer v5 release.

Some exciting new features compared to v4 (you can also find a more detailed log of changes in CHANGES.txt):

  • Uses Jupyter Notebooks
  • Python 3
  • Fully documented API (finally)
  • 19 Jupyter notebook tutorials for side-channel analysis with ChipWhisperer
  • 5x improved capture speed
  • Tutorials all include output with three different targets (Nano, Lite (XMEGA), Lite (STM32F)), making it easier to compare your output to the tutorials output when you are following along.
  • Fully usable as a standalone python package
  • Analyzer and Project support through API
  • Project API supports import and export to zip file to move projects around.

NOTE: The source releases do NOT include the jupyter submodule. If you want the tutorials via .zip or files, we've included and chipwhisperer.tar.gz which include the jupyter submodule

Edit: Changed name of the Virtual Machine zip file to a more intuitive name (one that includes VM), as well as some of the other included archives.

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