What's New
Issue #67 Fix a -c/--colors issue. -c and --colors are the equivalent of --colors=always.
Do one of these:
- Copy the appropriate bin, renamed as ned:
sudo cp ned.xxx /usr/local/bin/ned
- On Arch or Arch based distros:
yaourt -S ned
- On Debian based distros download the appropiate deb and:
sudo dpkg -i ned_1.2.7-0_xxx.deb
- On Windows put the ned.exe somewhere on your path. For help:
The ned.exe included here is 64bit and requires the vc_redist.x64.exe which can be downloaded from: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads (I don't use the Windows version so if this has changed I didn't notice.)
The Linux and Mac versions don't need anything extra. Just put them somewhere on your path renamed as ned. The Linux version should work on every version of Linux. I've no idea if the Mac version will work on Mojave, though I assume it should.