Welcome to our initial release on GitHub! Older release notes can be found here.
New Features:
- Operator support enabled:
- QLinearAdd
- 2D QLinearMatMul when the second operand is constant
- Multi-stream support added for concurrent requests.
- Examples for benchmarking, classification flows, detection flows, and Flask servers added.
- Jupyter Notebooks for classification and detection flows added.
- MakeFile flows and utilities implemented for GitHub repo structure.
- Software packaging updated to reflect new GitHub distribution channel, from file naming conventions to license enforcement removal.
- Initial startup message updated with improved language.
- Distribution now manylinux2014 compliant; support for Ubuntu 16.04 deprecated.
- QuantizeLinear operations now use division instead of scaling by reciprocal for small quantization scales.
- Small performance improvements made on some quantized networks with nontrivial activation zero points.
Resolved Issues:
- Networks with sparse quantized convolutions and nontrivial activation zero points now have consistent correct results.
- Crash no longer occurs for some models where a quantized depthwise convolution follows a non-depthwise quantized convolution.
Known Issues:
- None