2.0.32 (2021-10-19)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #1045 add checkInterval to the TTL check body to find the right #1046 (stevehu)
- Feature/get log contents #1044 (KalevGonvick)
- fixes #1042 create a TimeUtil in the utility module for scheduler and… #1043 (stevehu)
- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Label cannot be null. #1039 #1040 (helloalbin)
- Added handler for grabbing log contents #1041 (KalevGonvick)
- fixes #1037 A typo in the deregister url for the protal registry #1038 (stevehu)
- fixes #1035 #1036 (GavinChenYan)
Upgrade Guidelines:
This is a release with some bug fixes and enhancements. It is backward compatible with the 2.0.31 release. For all the changes for the entire platform, please refer to https://trello.com/b/189msq9S/release-schedule