1.6.5 (2019-07-12)
Merged pull requests:
- fixes #578 to use a hashset to track used ports #582 (stevehu)
- fixes #579 when all instances are down and restarted, the client disc… #580 (stevehu)
- randomly pick up port number for dynamic registry #578 (stevehu)
- Fix/#573 consul registry notify #577 (BalloonWen)
- Fix/#523 consul http https connection #570 (BalloonWen)
- Fix/npe service to url #576 (jiachen1120)
- Fixes merge to 1.6.x #564 (BalloonWen)
- fixes #539 sync jdk11 branch to 1.6.x to ensure code similarity #540 (stevehu)
Upgrade Guidelines:
This is a release with some defect fixes. It is backward compatible with 1.6.4 release.
- Due to security reason, we have disabled the default server.keystore, server.truststore, client.keystore, and client.truststore. You need to manually include these files into the project src/main/resources/config folder.
For all the changes for the entire platform, please refer to https://trello.com/b/189msq9S/release-schedule