github netbox-community/netbox-docker 0.25.0
Version 0.25.0

latest releases: 2.9.1, 2.9.0, 2.8.0...
3 years ago

Don't try to run non-python files #307

During startup, only the startup_scripts who's filenames end in *.py will be executed. Previously, all files would be interpreted as Python files. This has led to unintentional behaviour.

Remove the 'X-Forwarded-Proto' line from the nginx config #308

Nginx will no longer set or overwrite the X-Forwarded-Proto header in the default configuration. This was implemented, because in the default configuration it would set the header to http every time. And this would overwrite the header of an upstream proxy which might set X-Forwarded-Proto to https, because it is terminating the TLS connection.

Add optional LOGIN_TIMEOUT to #313

Added support for LOGIN_TIMEOUT in

Fixed File Permissions in Media and Static Directories #276

File upload and static file collection should run more smoothly now.

Typos in Readme

Fixed some typos in the Readme file

Fixes for Netbox 2.9 #326

The startup scripts where adapted to changes in Netbox 2.9


This version of Netbox Docker is compatible with Netbox v2.9.x

Known Issues

  • LDAP is currently not working with Netbox v2.9.x

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