github netbox-community/netbox-chart 3.0.0
NetBox Chart 3.0.0

latest releases: netbox-5.0.0-beta.21, netbox-5.0.0-beta.20, netbox-5.0.0-beta.19...
3 years ago


  • Update to NetBox 2.10.4 (closes #29, #32, #34; thanks @wastrachan)
  • Add support for arbitrary Ingress backends (e.g. for AWS ALB Ingress; closes #37; thanks @phenixdotnet)
  • Add the ability to use selectors for persistent volumes (thanks @moonrail)
  • Add rqworker deployment (closes #17; thanks @moonrail)
  • Add support for LDAP authentication (closes #6; thanks @moonrail)
  • Add notes about setting an explicit PostgreSQL password (closes #36)


This is a major version release with breaking changes. Please see the upgrading instructions to avoid significant headaches when upgrading. As always, please back up your NetBox database prior to performing upgrades.

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