👀 Summary
💥 Breaking changes
- #648 Remove_Common @FrankBakkerNl
✨ New features
- #624 DisposableScheduler @FrankBakkerNl
⚡ Enhancements
- #638 Fix dev docs to point to netdaemon.xyz instead @helto4real
- #639 Clean up unused files in Docker folder @helto4real
- #642 Update admin build process @ludeeus
- #640 Bash lint/cleanup @ludeeus
- #641 Testbuild the add-on container @ludeeus
- #644 feat: introduce app instance factory to allow extending app instantiation logic @BeeHiveJava
- #647 RenameAppMOdelAddMethods @FrankBakkerNl
🐛 Bug Fixes
- #643 Remove standard values for environment vars in docker file @helto4real
- #646 Loads HassModel.Integration the proper way @helto4real