github neoclide/coc.nvim v0.0.36

latest releases: v0.0.82, v0.0.81, v0.0.80...
5 years ago
  • Add CocJumpPlaceholder autocmd.
  • Add rootPatterns to languageserver config.
  • Add setting: coc.preferences.hoverTarget, support use echo.
  • Add setting coc.preferences.diagnostic.displayByAle for use ale to display errors.
  • Add setting coc.preferences.extensionUpdateCheck for control update check of
  • Add coc#config for set configuration in vim.
  • Fix rootPath not resolved on initialize.
  • Fix possible wrong tabSize by use shiftwidth option.
  • Fix trigger of documentColors request.
  • Fix vim-node-rpc service not work on windows vim.
  • Fix codeLens not works.
  • Fix highlight of signatureHelp.
  • Fix watchman watching same root multiple times.
  • Fix completion throw undefined error.
  • Fix open_terminal not works on vim.
  • Fix possible connection lost by use notification when possible.
  • Fix process not terminated when connection lost.
  • Rework diagnostics with task sequence.
  • Rework configuration with more tests.

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