github neoclide/coc.nvim v0.0.33

latest releases: v0.0.82, v0.0.81, v0.0.80...
5 years ago
  • Break change snippet support reworked: support nest snippets, independent
    session in each buffer and lots of fixes.
  • Break change diagnostic list now sort by severity first.
  • Add commands: :CocUnInstall and :CocOpenLog
  • Add cterm color for highlights.
  • Add line highlight support for diagnostic.
  • Add coc.preferences.fixInsertedWord to make complete item replace current word.
  • Fix check confirm not works on vim sometimes.
  • Fix check of vim-node-rpc.
  • Fix preselect complete item not first sometimes.
  • Improve completion sort result by consider more abort priority and recent
  • Improve colors module, only highlight current buffer and when buffer changed.
  • Improve doc/coc.txt

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