github neo4j/neo4j-browser 3.2.23

latest releases: neo4j-3.5.31, 4.4.3, neo4j-4.4.4...
4 years ago

3.2.22 & 3.2.23

  • Fix regression in write-code guide name PR: #977


  • Drag and drop cypher and grass files anywhere to import PR: #936

  • Upgrade neo4j-driver to 1.7.5 PR: #938

  • Detect operating enviromentments more generically PR: #937

  • Handle Infinity and -Infinity results correctly PR: #950

  • Now displaying clickable urls in table and graph views PR: #952

  • Export :history PR: #954

  • Give user more connection feedback + add connection timeout configuration PR: #955

  • Export query result records as JSON PR: #957

  • Support additional :param definition. See :help params in neo4j-browser for instructions. PR: #962

  • UI fixes on :server user add and :server user list commands PR: #974

For more details about Neo4j Browser, please see the Neo4j Browser Guide
For a list of all changes, please see the changelog

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