github nedbat/coveragepy coverage-5.4

latest releases: 7.5.4, 7.5.3, 7.5.2...
3 years ago
  • The text report produced by coverage report now always outputs a TOTAL line, even if only one Python file is reported. This makes regex parsing of the output easier. Thanks, Judson Neer. This had been requested a number of times (issue 1086, issue 922, issue 732).
  • The skip_covered and skip_empty settings in the configuration file can now be specified in the [html] section, so that text reports and HTML reports can use separate settings. The HTML report will still use the [report] settings if there isn’t a value in the [html] section. Closes issue 1090.
  • Combining files on Windows across drives now works properly, fixing issue 577. Thanks, Valentin Lab.
  • Fix an obscure warning from deep in the _decimal module, as reported in issue 1084.
  • Update to support Python 3.10 alphas in progress, including PEP 626: Precise line numbers for debugging and other tools.

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