github nedbat/coveragepy coverage-3.5.2b1

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pre-release22 hours ago

Version 3.5.2b1 — 2012-04-29

  • The HTML report has slightly tweaked controls: the buttons at the top of the page are color-coded to the source lines they affect.
  • Custom CSS can be applied to the HTML report by specifying a CSS file as the extra_css configuration value in the [html] section.
  • Source files with custom encodings declared in a comment at the top are now properly handled during reporting on Python 2. Python 3 always handled them properly. This fixes issue 157.
  • Backup files left behind by editors are no longer collected by the source= option, fixing issue 168.
  • If a file doesn’t parse properly as Python, we don’t report it as an error if the file name seems like maybe it wasn’t meant to be Python. This is a pragmatic fix for issue 82.
  • The -m switch on coverage report, which includes missing line numbers in the summary report, can now be specified as show_missing in the config file. Closes issue 173.
  • When running a module with coverage run -m <modulename>, certain details of the execution environment weren’t the same as for python -m <modulename>. This had the unfortunate side-effect of making coverage run -m unittest discover not work if you had tests in a directory named “test”. This fixes issue 155 and issue 142.
  • Now the exit status of your product code is properly used as the process status when running python -m coverage run .... Thanks, JT Olds.
  • When installing into PyPy, we no longer attempt (and fail) to compile the C tracer function, closing issue 166.

➡️  PyPI page: coverage 3.5.2b1.
➡️  To install: python3 -m pip install coverage==3.5.2b1

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