github near/nearcore 1.26.0

latest releases: statelessnet-88.0, crates-0.23.0, 1.40.0...
2 years ago

Protocol Upgrade Voting Start

  • Version 53 voting begins at 2022-05-23 15:00:00 UTC - validators will not indicate intent to upgrade to version 53 in blocks they produce until this time


  • Include promise_batch_action_function_call_weight host function on the runtime #6285 #6536
  • Switch to LZ4+ZSTD compression from Snappy in RocksDB #6365
  • Safe DB migrations using RocksDB checkpoints #6282
  • NEP205: Configurable start of protocol upgrade voting #6309.
  • Make max_open_files, col_state_cache_size and RocksDB block_size configurable parameters #6584 #6631
  • Use kebab-case names for neard subcommands to make them consistent with flag names. snake_case names are still valid for existing subcommands but kebab-case will be used for new commands.


  • Increase deployment cost #6397
  • Limit the number of locals per contract to 1_000_000
  • Ensure caching all nodes in the chunk for which touching trie node cost was charged, reduce cost of future reads in a chunk #6628
  • Lower storage key limit to 2 KiB
  • Moved Client Actor to separate thread - should improve performance #6333
  • Changes the gc_fork_clean_step config field default from 1000 to 100, which should reduce garbage collection related slowdowns.
  • Fixes an issue where blocks containing challenges aren't rejected by the chain, leading to crashes
  • Avoids an expensive calculation during sync that leads to an unresponsive /status page

New config.json fields (non-breaking)

  • use_db_migration_snapshot - Enables checkpoints that let the user recover from interrupted DB migrations.
  • gc_fork_clean_step - Maximum blocks to go through at each garbage collection step when cleaning forks.
  • gc_num_epochs_to_keep - Number of epochs for which we keep store data
  • store.enable_statistics - Re-export storage layer statistics as prometheus metrics. Minor performance impact is expected.
  • store.max_open_files - Maximum number of store files being opened simultaneously.
  • store.col_state_cache_size - Cache size for ColState column.
  • store.block_size - Block size used internally in RocksDB.

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