- Feature: Protect groups from license reassignment #630 (thanks @izendegi, @tsostef, @lcollong)
- New setting
- Optional OAuth scope
- New setting
- Bugfix: Incorrect rendering of HTML characters in recording passcodes #637 (thanks @FrancescoTerrosi)
- Bugfix: More detailed error messages #639 (thanks @ahmadalwa)
- Bugfix: Check a task's necessary scopes prior to API calls #642 (thanks @syedaawais)
- Bugfix: Remove calendar events for deleted meeting occurrences #645 (thanks @mei-cberry)
- Code quality: Forward compatibility for PHPUnit #640
- Regression: Moodle 3.7 support #638 (thanks @gzvol)
- Introduced in v5.2.0 when adding attendance-based grading.
- Regression: Moodle 3.8+ support #644 (thanks @cybernotic, @bobopinna)
- Introduced in unreleased code when fixing Moodle 3.7 support.