1.12.0 (2020-03-20)
The detailed new feature description can be found at:
Bug Fixes
- arc: Fix handling spaced data name (4824a47), closes #1168
- arc: Fix overwriting gauge_max in MultiArcGauge with totalSum (8b2c28e), closes #1259 #1260
- axis: Correct y Axis tick padding (145b960), closes #1251
- axis: Fix adding duplicated <title> element (8d45075), closes #1271
- axis: Fix axis label text position (68b6b86), closes #1270
- axis: Fix axis tick rotate translate (1bc3f20), closes #1250 #1278
- axis: Fix for multi axes data bound (3f8afba), closes /github.com/naver/billboard.js/pull/1233#issuecomment-595675546
- axis: Fix text being left behind if getBBox fails (648aa41), closes #1283 #1284
- bar: Bar's width resize according the zoom scale (93184a2), closes #1185
- callbacks: Fix triggering in lazy rendering (3e73fdf), closes #1254
- core: Fix onrendered firing time (8b8665c), closes #1194
- gauge: fixed wrong ratio calculation in 'gauge.type = "single"' (9020246), closes #1205
- grid: Fix focus grid to be maintained on resize (01ba388), closes #1239
- interaction: Fix null data point interaction (901da84), closes #1199
- line: Fix nullish data rendering with regions (d0ca937), closes #1172
- radar: Correct text label not showing (9109fd5), closes #1241
- tooltip: Auto pos adjustion for tooltip (c54f731), closes #1243 #1239
- tooltip: Fix tooltip position on overlapping data point (8dba213), closes #1267
- tooltip,interaction: Correct tooltip behaves for touch environment (7090fa9), closes #1253
- axis: Autorotate x axis tick texts on type "category" and "timeseries" (8c51d02), closes #1236 #1250
- axis: Clone y/y2-axis domain if no data is bound to one of them (96ac5c7), closes #1231 #1233
- axis: Intent to ship axis.x.min/max.fit (1650955), closes #7
- axis: Intent to ship axis.y2.tick.rotate (98992f3), closes #1157 #1158
- axis: Intent to ship y Axes stepSize (429c6ec), closes #1098
- gauge: more than one arc are possible for gauges (7a80e02), closes #787 #1071 #1163
- grid: Intent to ship grid.focus.y (13d65d1), closes #1154
- line: Intent to ship bubble/line/scatter zerobased (e45fb33), closes #1149 #1150
- options: Intent to ship Arc's expand.rate (7d6f32f), closes #1189
- plugin: Intent to ship bubblecompare plugin (49704e0), closes #1153
- tooltip: Enhancement on callback options (30a7718), closes #1216
- zoom: Intent to ship zoom.resetButton.onclick (694cbcb), closes #1171